Hogwarts Legacy: Which Ball in Quidditch is the Largest?

You don't have to worry if you don't know the answer.

By Ali Usama - Senior Editor

Do you want to know which ball in Quidditch is the largest in Hogwarts Legacy? It’s fine to be curious – no matter how much you know about Harry Potter, this question is sure to make you scratch your head.

When you’re on a quest to unlock your Transfiguration spell, you’ve got to get past the brainy Sophronia Franklin first. She’s got the Field Guide page you need, but she is not only going to hand it over. She has a little quiz for you, filled with Harry Potter trivia that would stump even Hermione Granger.

But don’t sweat it, you can circle back to Sophronia anytime to take another crack at her questions. By answering correctly, you’ll score some seriously great rewards. But if you’re stuck on a Quidditch question, we’ve got your back. For anyone who doesn’t know about the Harry Potter wizarding world, Quidditch is a magical sport played high in the sky on broomsticks. Imagine soccer, but airborne, and with not one, but four balls in play. But our main purpose here is to know about which of the balls in Hogwarts Legacy is the largest.

Which Ball in Quidditch is the Largest in Hogwarts Legacy?

In Hogwarts Legacy, the largest ball in Quidditch is the Quaffle. Yes, the Quaffle steals the spotlight as the biggest ball in the wizardry world. It’s a large, red leather ball, and is the MVP in every Quidditch match. It’s the key to scoring points and is tossed around by the three Chasers to rack up the score. The Keeper’s job is to catch the Quaffle and pass it to the Chasers to score the important winning goals.

Flashback to the past, the days when Quaffle balls were just plain old patches of leather with a strap to help you throw them around – those days weren’t that great. It was extremely difficult to see the ball in the breeze and grab it with any degree of precision due to the dirt and wetness. But Daisy Pennifold changed all of that when she came up with the brilliant idea of enchanting the Quaffle – slowing it down mid-air so Chasers would have enough time to grab it.

Now, confident Chasers can be seen all over the pitch, thanks to Daisy’s great spell. Moreover, if you’re running low on your Quaffle supply, you know where to find one: in the toy chests in Hogwarts Legacy. It’s not just characters, you may even see creatures having fun with the Quaffle – it sure beats going out and buying one. So next time you head to Hogwarts Legacy, don’t forget to bring your enchanted Quaffles – you never know when they’ll come in handy.

With the right answer now in your mind, you are going to earn the amazing rewards you are keen to get and the Field Guide page.

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