Should You Destroy or Control the Elder Brain in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3)?

In Baldur's Gate 3, you must decide whether to destroy the Elder Brain or bring it under their control.

By Ali Usama - Senior Editor

You have wandered treacherous lands, forge­d intricate relationships, and explore­d every corner of the world in Baldur’s Gate 3. Now, you stand at the edge­ of a crucial decision that could change the course­ of the game. The burning que­stion in your mind is, “Should I control or destroy the Elder Brain in Baldur’s Gate 3?”

The BG3 Elder Brain—this giant, slimy overlord has been pulling the strings behind all those Mind Flayers and Tadpoles you’ve faced throughout your journey. Now, your approach to dealing with this cre­ature holds significant importance. It repre­sents the culminating decision of the­ game, reflecting the­ impact of all your previous choices.

What will you choose? Will you confront and de­feat this malevolent e­ntity or align yourself with them if defe­ating seems impossible? In this article, we’ll go through both choices in detail, discussing how each will affect your character and the overall Baldur’s Gate 3 encounter.

What is Elder Brain in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Baldurs Gate 3 Elder Brain

Why the Elder Brain is such a big deal in the first place? Think of it as the puppet master, the ultimate control freak behind all the Mind Flayers and Tadpoles you’ve been duking it out with since you booted up the game. This thing is like a computer’s motherboard; it controls everything else, and the whole system—er, storyline—hinges on it.

If you’re wondering why every Mind Flayer seemed like they were part of a hive mind, well, they are. They’re all wired into the Elder Brain, which means that how you deal with this oversized lump of malevolence will resonate throughout the whole game world. Ever seen those movies where defeating the main bad guy suddenly makes all the minions drop like flies? Indeed, that is the kind of effect we have in mind.

It’s not as simple as drawing your weapon or casting a spell. The Elder Brain’s fate also impacts your interactions with your party members and other characters in the game. Whether they’ll love you, hate you, or flat-out try to kill you can depend on what you choose to do with this central antagonist. So yeah, no pressure or anything!

By now, it should be pretty clear that the Elder Brain isn’t just some end boss you defeat your way through. This antagonist holds its influence­ over every subplot and characte­r arc encountered. How you choose­ to confront it goes beyond just the conclusion of the­ game; it represe­nts the culmination of your entire journe­y through Baldur’s Gate 3.

What Happens If You Destroy the Elder Brain?

Destroying the Elder Brain Ending

Okay, so you’re leaning towards giving the Elder Brain the good ol’ axe (or spell, or arrow—whatever your style). Honestly, it’s a choice that’ll give you a sense of heroic closure, as you’re essentially pulling the plug on the puppet master. If you choose this path, what can you expect to happen ahead?

First off, immediate relief! The Elder Brain goes bye-bye, taking a dramatic nosedive into the water outside Baldur’s Gate. With the big brain gone, it’s like cutting the strings of a marionette show; all the Mind Flayers suddenly lose their mojo and get pushed back by the city’s defenders and our sword-wielding pals, the Githyanki.

If you’ve been adventuring with Lae’zel, she faces some intriguing choices ahead. She could go head-to-head with Vlaakith, or maybe she’s warmed up to you and decides to stick around, perhaps eyeing a seat on the local council as they rebuild the city. What about Karlach? If she didn’t transform into the Mind Flayer, she might be on her last legs. And Astarion? If he didn’t choose the Vampire Lord life, let’s just say he’s got some, ahem, sunburn issues to deal with.

And you remember that romance subplot you’ve been nurturing? This is the moment when it comes to fruition. Maybe you’ve been sweet on Karlach and want to know what’s going through her mind after becoming a Mind Flayer. Here’s where you two can have a heart-to-heart—or whatever organ Mind Flayers have instead of hearts.

So, smashing the Elder Brain to smithereens has its perks. The climax is when you can look back and claim, “We did good,” while also taking stock of how your decisions turned out. If you’re the player who lives for those final reflective moments with your crew, this is the choice that delivers the goods.

What Happens If You Control the Elder Brain?

Controlling the Elder Brain Ending

Alright, you’re feeling a little daring, or maybe you’ve got a darker streak? Controlling the Elder Brain is sort of like adopting a dangerous pet—except this one can end the world. So, what will happen next if you go down this slippery path?

First, let’s talk about scenarios – if you’re on good terms with the Emperor and let him take control of the Netherstones, you basically become his co-pilot. The two of you rule the roost, but let’s be clear: he’s the alpha bird here. He’s got the reins on the Elder Brain, and you’re more or less along for the ride.

But what if you threw in with Orpheus or decided to take the Mind Flayer plunge yourself? You get to unleash Mind Flayers on the world like some kind of interdimensional locust swarm. In my case, I tried letting Karlach become a Mind Flayer. As a result, my character ended up killing her to take control of the Netherstones.

The game pretty much…ends. You’re there, perched atop the Elder Brain, Netherstones in hand, and you’re the new puppet master. It’s a cut-to-black, roll-the-credits ending that might leave you scratching your head. Anyone with a Tadpole or turned into a Mind Flayer? They’re your minions now. No debates, no long farewells, just world domination on the horizon.

Honestly, it’s a bit of a buzzkill if you’ve been investing in character relationships and you’re eager to see how they all wrap up. This choice fails to provide­ the comforting end you may expect. Instead, it opens the­ door to a whirlwind of chaos and uncertainty. Absolutely, it’s one of the many Baldur’s Gate 3 endings, but it might not be the satisfying conclusion you hoped for.

So, controlling the Elder Brain? In effect, you are opting for the “wildcard” choice. It’s edgy, it’s unexpected, but it may not give you that storybook ending. Keep that in mind if you’re contemplating grabbing those mental reins.

Bottom Line

For me, destroying the Elder Brain felt more complete. It was like closing a book and feeling satisfied with the whole story. Controlling it? The e­nigma of the situation provoked curiosity within, yet it spawne­d an abundance of unanswered que­ries. It resemble­d those suspenseful se­ason finales that induced passionate outbursts in front of the TV. If you’re into nuanced characters and emotional arcs, then destroying the Elder Brain will likely give you the satisfying endnotes you crave. If you’re more about shaking things up and throwing a wrench in the gears, controlling it offers that tantalizing “what if?”

At the end of the day, it really comes down to what kind of story you want to walk away with. Are you the hero who saved the realm or the enigma who seized control of an insidious power? Each choice has its flavor, its own set of fireworks, and its final imprint on your game world. So, think it over, then make your mark on Baldur’s Gate 3.

And that concludes our walkthrough about Baldur’s Gate 3 Elder Brain. If you are looking for more guides regarding BG3, check our other related articles below or visit our guides hub.

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