Baldur’s Gate 3: Should You Side with Stone Lord or Guild in BG3?

Whether you go with Stone Lord or the Guild in BG3, it's a complex situation to face.

By Ali Usama - Senior Editor

If you’re someone like me, you will love how every choice you make matters in Baldur’s Gate 3. It’s not just “pick this or that”; your decisions can change the game. One of the most captivating challenges you’ll face is during the Aid the Underduke quest. In this mission, you will have to decide whether to side with Stone Lord or Guild in BG3, two rival factions that you encounter in Act 3. But which one should you choose? And what are the consequences of your decision? We’re talking about life-or-death, ally-or-enemy type choices here with each having the results.

There’s a turf war going on, and you have to decide who will be the best companion for you. Should you side with the Stone Lord or keep it classic with the Guild in Baldur’s Gate 3? By the end of this guide, you’ll know which path is packed with the most rewards and epic story beats.

Who are Stone Lord and Guild in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Stone Lord is Minsc, a known character from the previous Baldur’s Gate games. He’s a ranger who roams around with Boo, his adorable miniature giant space hamster. But he is caught up in the web of the Absolute, this dark and mysterious force that’s stirring up trouble in the game. Currently, Stone Lord has a big plan to kick off a new criminal Guild in the city, and guess what? He needs your help to do this thing.

On the other side of town, you have encountered the Nine Fingers Guild on the beach and it looks like a serious beach party going on there. They’re the current thieves’ Guild in Baldur’s Gate, led by Nine-Fingers Keene. They might not be typical heroes, but they’ve got their code of honor and a strong sense of loyalty. Further, they are against the Absolute and its annoying schemes. So, they’re on bad terms with Stone Lord and his crew and want you to help put a stop to his ambitious plans. So, you and your party members are stuck between two unknown characters whom you haven’t ever met before but are forced to side with one of them.

Should You Side with Stone Lord or Thieves Guild in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3)?

Baldur's Gate 3 Choice- Stone Lord or Thieves Guild in BG3

Once you take on the Aid the Underduke objective, you will need to visit across the bridge on the beach area after clearing the blocked path along the way. At this place, you need to decide to either help the Nine Fingers Thieves Guild or throw in your lot with Stone Lord. It’s a tough call, to be honest, and there’s no clear-cut good choice here. You will need to visit the Guildhall, where both factions are present. Once there, you’ll talk with the Guild master, and he will tell you that Minsc is creating the bad scenes there.

If you decide to side with Stone Lord, get ready to have a fight with the whole Guild, including defeating Nine-Fingers Keene. Doing so means you’ll keep Jaheria by your side, who’s a very important companion to have in your party. Further, you will get your hands on the Guild cargo that will be arriving anytime. You will have to fight against everyone who is present there. Even though Lord’s gang will help you it’s an easy peasy showdown. But you’re helping a new gang take over the city and most importantly, this guy is the follower of your enemy Cult, Absolute.

But if you choose to help the Nine Fingers Guild, you’ll have to say goodbye to Jaheira, she is complex and has layers, and losing her is a big deal. Further, going down this path means you’ll fight Stone Lord and his group. Don’t worry, all the thieves including Farin will be side by side with you against the new criminal group. Siding with the Thieves Guild will earn you a lot of amazing rewards that will satisfy you and the good thing is you will have the support of the faction and it’s the best way to complete the specific quest.

When it comes down to choosing between both of these parties in BG3, there’s no right or wrong pick. It’s about what you feel is right and how you like to play the game. You have to side with thugs party whatever you decide, so don’t try to weigh the moral scales here. You have to play your cards to get the most out of this situation.

By looking at the normal scenario and the benefits you will receive, I will say you should side with Thieves Guild because there are a lot of rewards and the complete faction at your service. But there is another tricky option and the smart move is to help Stone Lord first. Even though Minsc is starting anew, he is a power to have around – you don’t want to miss out on his antics. Later on, you will get an opportunity where you can help the Nine Fingers Guild, especially when the Zhentarim decide to crash their party. This way, you can convince him to side with you.

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