Are there Consequences for Using Illithid Powers in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3)?

The most controversial powers of Baldur's Gate 3.

So, you’re wandering through dungeons, haggling with NPCs, and duking it out in real-time combat in Baldur’s Gate 3. But here’s the million-dollar question: Should you give in to the temptation and use those wild Illithid Powers the game keeps teasing you with? These skills are like a boosted set of cheat codes, allowing you to sway others, win fights, and feel like a wizard (even if you aren’t).

But you know what: “With great power comes great…well, complications.” This isn’t just a power-up in a video game; after all, in the Dungeons & Dragons universe, things are rarely black and white where choices have consequences. So, you’ve got to ask yourself: What’s the real cost of going full-on Illithid?

That’s what we’re going to explain in this walkthrough. Stick around as we break down the good, the bad, and the potentially ugly of saying “yes” to that little Tadpole voice in your head. Let’s see if using Illithid Powers in BG3 is worth the hype—or the potential headache.

What are Illithid Powers in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Illithid Powers are your ticket to boost your strength and power table in BG3.

What the heck are Baldur’s Gate 3 Illithid powers anyway? So, you know about the Mind Flayer Parasite, the Tadpole, wiggling around inside your noggin. It’s like that sneaky voice in your head that tells you to eat that extra slice of pizza, but way more relaxed. It offers you these sick abilities that are your golden ticket to becoming the life of the (battle) party.

Imagine this: You can use psychic mojo to mess with people’s heads, making them do stuff they normally wouldn’t. A well-placed thought can do wonders, allowing you to pass a cautious guard effortlessly. You can levitate something whenever the situation calls for it. You don’t have to be some robe-wearing, spell-slinging wizard to pull these stunts. You can be a sword-swinging fighter or a sneaky rogue and still dabble in some dark arts.

Now, to unlock these god-tier powers, you’ve got to interact with Mind Flayer Parasite Specimens. Although you don’t just get these powers handed to you on a silver platter. Numerous plot points in the game will have you questioning whether or not you should listen to your Tadpole, who is trying to convince you to bring out your inner Illithid. At these junctures, you can either roll with it or roll a DC Save to be like, “Nah, not today, Satan.”

Bottom line: Illithid Powers are your ticket to the high-roller table in BG3, giving you advantages you didn’t even know you needed. But should you use them? Stick around because we’re just getting to the juicy bits.

Are there Consequences for Using Illithid Powers in Baldur’s Gate 3?

There are no actual consequences of using Baldur's Gate 3 Illithid Powers.

The quick and dirty answer is sort of, but not really.

First, your party members will have feelings about you playing mental gymnastics with the people of Faerun. Use these powers to manipulate conversations or get the upper hand; they might start giving you the cold shoulder. Or worse, they’ll get all philosophical, questioning your integrity and whatnot. But, as long as you don’t mind a little party tension, you’re golden.

From my personal gamer experience, these Illithid Powers aren’t a deal-breaker. They might spice up some of your final decisions—like whether you’re Team Emperor or Team Orpheus—but they won’t throw your entire campaign off the rails. You won’t wake up and discover you’ve accidentally turned into the story’s villain because you used some Illithid mojo. So, in that regard, breathe easy.

The main idea is that these powers are more about how your trip and interactions turn out than about forcing you to an “evil ending.” If you’re worried about deciding with no turning back, relax. You’re not signing a Faustian contract here; you’re just adding a little flavor to your BG3 adventure.

Should You Use Illithid Powers in BG3?

Should you dive headfirst into these Illithid Powers in BG3 or give them a hard pass? In my opinion, it all depends on the storyline you want to build. On my first run, I had my Monk steer clear of anything smelling like Illithid voodoo. He wasn’t having any of it, and the game was still awesome. Tons of combat, moral dilemmas, and good old-fashioned D&D shenanigans.

But then I rolled a Dragonborn Paladin and decided, “Why not stir the pot?” I went full Illithid, using the powers like they were going out of style. It was a blast while the game felt different, but not in the wrong way. Further, it didn’t force me down a villainous road I didn’t want to go down.

So, if you’re curious, go for it. Unleash those Illithid Powers and see where the ride takes you. The heroic or nuanced antihero self you’ve ever dreamed of is within your reach. Don’t stress too much about some gloom-and-doom ending; the game’s got enough flexibility for you to course-correct if you have second thoughts.

Even without Baldur’s Gate 3 Illithid Powers, you’ve got plenty of choices that can lead you down some seriously interesting story paths. Plus, BG3 is rife with side quests and alternate routes that don’t require a single use of Illithid magic. So, while Illithid Powers are one heck of a thrill ride, remember they’re just one tool in a toolbox chock-full of options.

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