How to Beat Fire Giant in Elden Ring

Here's how to beat the deadly beast in Elden Ring carrying eye on his chest.

Fire Giant is one of the Elden Ring’s largest, most intimidating, and most stubborn bosses you encounter once you’ve made it to the Mountaintops of the Giants. It’s not an optional boss so you have to beat him to progress towards the Forge. While he may look a powerful beast impossible to defeat at first, with the right strategy and attacks, you can take down this fire-spewing menace and move on to greater things.

This Fire Giant boss guide will break down everything you need to know: where to find the Fire Giant, his weaknesses, phase-by-phase tactics, whether or not to summon help, and how to avoid getting pancaked by his enormous attacks.

Where to Find the Fire Giant in Elden Ring

Elden Ring Fire Giant Boss

The Fire Giant is at the Mountaintops of the Giants, precisely at the Foot of the Forge Site of Grace. To reach him, get past Leyndell, Royal Capital, and defeat Morgott, the Omen King. Get the Rold Medallion from Melina and use it at the Grand Lift of Rold. Follow the snowy path through the Zamor Ruins and move north to cross the Freezing Lake. Pass the First Church of Marika moving south from the lake and reach the Church of Repose (the closest safe spot before the fight). Cross a chain bridge and there he is, waiting to ruin your day.

Boss Weaknesses & Resistances

Like any good Soulsborne boss, the Fire Giant is more than a damage sponge—he has strengths and weaknesses that can make or break your strategy. If you go in using the wrong elements or weapons, you might as well be throwing snowballs at a bonfire. But if you take advantage of his weaknesses, you’ll have a good time chipping away at his absurdly large health bar.

Fire Giant’s Weaknesses

  • Scarlet Rot & Poison – Status effects like Scarlet Rot and Poison work wonders against him. If you have Rotten Breath (a Dragon Communion Incantation) or the Antspur Rapier (which inflicts Scarlet Rot), you can apply these effects and let them eat away at his massive health pool.
  • Bleed (Hemorrhage)Elden Ring weapons that build up blood loss, like the Rivers of Blood katana or the Swarm of Flies incantation, can deal great damage when they trigger. The Fire Giant’s size means he takes longer to bleed, but when it happens, it hurts.
  • Magic & Lightning – While not as effective as Bleed or Rot, magic-based attacks, and lightning spells have a decent effect on Fire Giant lowering his stamina. Sorceries such as Rock Sling or Comet Azur can be used at range to keep you safe while whittling him down.

Fire Giant’s Resistances

Of course, it wouldn’t be Elden Ring if the boss didn’t shrug off some damage types entirely:

  • Fire Resistance – This should go without saying, but using fire attacks against the literal Fire Giant is like trying to boil water with a candle—pointless. Fire spells, fire-infused weapons, or the Flame of the Fell God incantation won’t do much.
  • Frost Resistance – You’d think being in a snowy wasteland can make him vulnerable to Frostbite, but nope. The Fire Giant has very high frost resistance, making it one of the worst choices for this battle. Save your frost-based attacks for another day.
  • High Defense & Tankiness – Even with the right damage type, this guy can soak up hits like a sponge. He has a ridiculous health bar, so don’t expect a quick fight. Your best source is to focus on his weak left leg in the first phase and his chest-eye or hands in the second.

Elden Ring Fire Giant Boss Fight Tips

Phase 1

Be aware of the Fire Giant's fire orbs which he launches at you

When the fight begins, the Fire Giant will attack you with a huge shield slam or an avalanche of snow. You need to target his left leg, the one which is bandaged—this is his weak point.

These are the key strategies to follow during this initial phase:

  • Stick to His Left Leg: Hitting it repeatedly can stagger him, making the fight easier.
  • Avoid Locking On: The camera will betray you against such a large enemy.
  • Watch for Rolls & Shield Swipes: He loves to roll away and then slam his shield down.
  • Dodge Into His Attacks: Rolling forward often works better than rolling sideways.
  • Scarlet Rot & Bleed: Use Rotten Breath incantation or a bleed weapon to deal regular and good damage.

At around 50% HP, he kneels, groans, and tears off his own leg (classic FromSoftware thing) – this is when things get even weirder.

Phase 2

Look for the eye on chest of Fire Giant

After self-amputation, the Fire Giant wakes his torso-mouth (a face on his chest) and becomes even more aggressive. He gains massive fire attacks and starts spamming fireballs and AoE explosions.

Stick to these tactics to end the fight in the second phase:

  • Stick to His Backside: Staying behind him reduces fireball risk.
  • Beware of Fire Eruptions: If the ground glows, move fast—it’s about to explode.
  • His Hands are Weak Points: But getting in front of him is risky.
  • Use Torrent Wisely: Great for repositioning yourself around the arena but it will be difficult to dodge attacks.
  • Trigger & Dodge Fire Orbs: If he spawns floating fireballs, bait them to explode early.

If you’re a ranged player, you can use Spirit Ash summons like Latenna the Albinauric to deal chip damage from afar while you focus on survival.

What You Get for Beating the Fire Giant

Remembrance of the Fire Giant – Can be exchanged for:

  • Burn, O Flame! (Incantation) – Summons fire pillars.
  • Giant’s Red Braid (Whip) – Scales with Strength and Faith, has a fire-based attack.

Access to the Forge of the Giants – This is a major story moment leading to the game’s climax.

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