As you progress through the Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies Easter Egg on Citadelle Des Morts, you’ll come across the Codex in the Undercroft during a quest. It is an ancient book with special symbols that hold the key to unlock a deeper power within the castle. In this hidden area, your task is to restore its missing pages and attune the Points of Power in the exact order revealed by the Codex.
This step can be difficult, especially when you have to deal with relentless zombies and find all the traps at different locations. This guide tells everything you need to know including where to find the Points of Power traps, and how to activate them with the correct order placement.
How to Start the Attunement
To attune the Points of Power in Black Ops 6 Zombies, you need to find the torn pages of the Codex. These are scattered around the castle and tend to be in sneaky areas, like on bunk beds, inside boxes, or even tucked behind furniture. Every match, the pages spawn in different locations on the western end of the castle, so you’ll need to do some hunting.
Once you’ve collected all four pages, head to the Undercroft and place them into the ancient book. This will restore the Codex, which is your guide to attuning the Points of Power. Open it up, and you’ll see four unique symbols, each one corresponds to a specific trap somewhere on the map. You have to activate the traps in the exact order shown in the Codex. If you mess up, you’ll have to wait for the trap to reset before trying again, so pay attention.
How to Attune the Points of Power in BO6 Zombies
Here’s what you need to do to activate and attune the Points of Power Traps:
- Check the reforged book (Codex) in the Undercroft – The four symbols in the book will tell you the exact order:
- First Trap = Top Left Symbol
- Second Trap = Bottom Left Symbol
- Third Trap = Top Right Symbol
- Fourth Trap = Bottom Right Symbol
- Each trap is a glowing red mark on the ground. You’ll need to match them with the symbols in the Codex. The trap locations never change, but which ones are active for your run will be random.
- It costs 1,600 Essence to activate a trap. Once started, a glowing red circle will appear around it. Once you’ve identified the correct trap, wait until there is a decent horde of zombies trailing you.
- You have a short window to eliminate 10 zombies while standing inside the glowing area. If you don’t manage to kill enough before the timer runs out, the trap will go into a cooldown, forcing you to wait before trying again.
Once a trap is successfully completed, the corresponding symbol in the Codex will turn grey. Keep going until all four Points of Power Traps are attuned in the correct order.
Where to Find the Points of Power Traps
There are six Points of Power traps scattered around the map, but you’ll only need to activate four in Citadelle des Morts in the order specified by the Codex. Here’s where you can find them:
- Oubliette Room: Near the Pack-a-Punch machine.
- Dungeon: Close to the Quick Revive machine.
- Sitting Rooms: Just outside the castle.
- Hilltop: Near the Deadshot machine.
- Courtyard: On the east side of the spawn area, near the wishing well.
- Village Ascent: In the same room as the Stamin-Up machine.
If you activate the wrong trap not matching the book’s symbol, you won’t ruin the run but you will waste some Essence, and nobody wants that.
Once you’ve powered up the four traps in the right order, a glowing red orb will rise from the last trap leading you to your next objective. Follow it as it drifts toward the Undercroft Stairway where the next part of the Easter Egg kicks off. Up ahead, you’re about to deal with some undead knights and an even bigger mystery.