How to Get Aluminum Ore in Once Human

Find out the Aluminum Ore locations for excessive mining of this resource.

Once Human is a game with a harsh world, so if you want to make it longer, your crafting and resource-gathering abilities will be tested. To move up and need better gear and weapons, you will find yourself searching for Aluminum Ore as without this material, there is no way you can craft or upgrade advanced gear. But where do you begin, and how to get this resource in a large amount? This guide explains it all.

Where to Get Aluminum Ore in Once Human

Aluminum Ore can be found in Red Sands and Chalk Peak (a challenging level 32 area) in Once Human. Red Sands is a Goldmine (or should I say Aluminium mine?) for our sought-after ore. You will see it spread all over the area, not in one place but mainly in the southern and western parts. And it’s not just Aluminum, this area offers the much rarer Gold Ore, so be careful not to overlook it alongside your stack of Aluminum Ore.

Once Human Aluminum Ore Farm Chalk Peak Location

Even though Chalk Peak is recommended for players at level 32 and above, I managed to access this location earlier—at level 28. This is part of the In The Tall Grass quest, but don’t worry if you’re below this level. With the right gear, necessary stock, and some daring, you can get past the challenges and defeat enemies. For a particular route, use the road that hugs the north border of Chalk Peak. You will collect many Aluminum Ore from both sides of the road.

Before you head out to mine, make sure you’re equipped with a Pickaxe. This tool is essential to start harvesting Aluminum Ore; trying to mine without it is like bringing a spoon to a swordfight—not the best idea.

Breaking Aluminum Ore with pickaxe in Once Human

In Chalk Peak, the ores spawn continuously, so it’s not so difficult to get them within a short time. When searching for these items, you’ll also find a lot of Tungsten, Iron, Copper, and Tin, which are abundant in Chalk Peak and other advanced regions. Remember, Aluminum won’t appear in the lower-level areas. When you progress further in the storyline, focus on wandering the locations at higher levels to collect enough Aluminium.

Having completed a prosperous mining sortie means you can now return to your camp with an abundance of Aluminium Ore. Here—you can use it in different crafting projects. Don’t forget to spend your Cipher points to unlock items like the Advanced Supplies Workbench or the Advanced Gear Workbench. These gear upgrades are necessary for creating high-end items and progressing your questline further through Once Human.