How to Get and Use the Tracker Perk in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

Tracker is one of the great Perk to get in Blacks Ops 6 that can help you create the perfect build of your favorite weapons.

By GamesRecon - Editor Staff

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 comes with a lot of Perks important for your stronger weapons builds and the Tracker is one of them. It’s a game-changer, especially if you like being sneaky, stalking enemies, and going in for the kill like a boss. So, here’s everything you need to know about how to unlock and use this Tracker Perk in Black Ops 6.

How to Get and Use the Tracker Perk in Black Ops 6

Once you reach level 18, the Tracker unlocks by default pre-equipped in the Perk 2 slot, so no need to run around completing challenges or unlocking it through mysterious tasks. If you’re a “perk-hoarder”, you can even go for Perk Greed, allowing you to equip Tracker as a fourth perk.

Black Ops 6 Tracker Perk

Using the Tracker in BO6

This perk gives you two primary benefits, and they’re a solid one-two punch for making sure you’re always one step ahead.

  1. Seeing Enemy Footprints: The most obvious and classic feature is that Tracker reveals enemy footprints on the ground, making it ridiculously easy to trail your opponents. This is the best feature for players who love close-quarter combat—mainly if you’re using a submachine gun or shotgun, you can chase down enemies and shoot them without giving them a chance to react. I can’t count the number of times I’ve scored easy kills by simply following some bright red footprints.
  2. Auto-Ping While Aiming Down Sights: As if the footprints weren’t enough, Tracker Perk also has an auto-ping feature. While aiming down your sights, you can auto-ping enemies, making them visible to your team. The only downside is the lengthy cooldown period, so you can’t spam it, but life’s not always fair. Still, this feature can turn the tide of a battle in tight spots where communication with your squad is crucial.

Pairing Tracker with Recon

If you pair the Tracker perk with two other perks of the same color (such as Ninja or Ghost), you get the Recon Specialty. This unlocks additional skills like:

  • Seeing enemies through walls after respawning (Yes, wall hacks—sort of).
  • Flashing the direction of nearby enemies on your HUD, even if they’re out of view.
  • No kill skulls, meaning your enemies won’t know where their teammate bit the dust.

Recon essentially turns you into a human UAV on the battlefield. If you enjoy playing the support role while still wreaking havoc on the enemy, this is where you want to be. But, fair warning: you’ll lose many other solid perks when using this ability, so it’s a trade-off that you’ll need to think about.

Best Loadouts for Tracker

I like to pair the Tracker perk with fast-paced, close-range setups. Here’s a combo I’ve been loving:

  • Primary Weapon: Submachine Gun (like the Jackal PDW), ideal for quick engagements.
  • Secondary: Shotgun, because nothing screams “surprise!” like blowing someone away as you turn the corner.
  • Other Perks: Combine Tracker with Cold Blooded to stay off thermal sights and Ghost to stay invisible to UAVs.

Of course, the beauty of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is that there are no wrong answers—experimenting with different combinations is half the fun.