Every now and then, Blizzard drops a hero that shakes up the meta (or refreshes it) and lets Overwatch 2 players rethink their strategies. Remember when Sojourn first appeared or when Echo’s aerial playstyle threw people off balance? A new character Freja is joining the roaster as officially announced and shown during the Overwatch Spotlight event, and she has “high-skill ceiling” written all over her kit.
Freja is the new Damage hero (DPS) coming to Overwatch 2 in Season 16, following on the heels of heroes like Hazard and Juno. She brings with her a fusion of aerial mobility, precision, and amazing crowd control. She is already creating a buzz during her trial period and has led to a debate on the web about how challenging yet rewarding she is to master. So, here’s everything you need to know about Freja’s lore and her abilities.
Freja’s Backstory

Storywise, Freja Skov (real name) brings a Scandinavian touch to Overwatch’s ever-diverse hero pool as the first Danish character in the game. Once one of Overwatch’s top-tier search and rescue specialists, Freja worked alongside heroes such as Winston and Reinhardt. But when the Overwatch organization crumbled, Freja pivoted hard becoming a relentless bounty hunter, now answering to the highest bidder.
Her current narrative ties her directly to Maximilien, the Talon-affiliated Omnic accountant, who tasks her with hunting down Emre Sarioglu, a long-rumored ex-Overwatch agent. This juicy bit of lore connects the dots back to Ana’s origin story and teases Emre’s possible arrival as a future playable hero. Blizzard’s cinematic “The Hunt Begins” shows Freja showcasing her deadly powers as she dispatches Maximilien’s bodyguards, proving her status as a professional who “always delivers.”
Freja’s Abilities in Overwatch 2
Freja is being hyped as a hybrid between Hanzo and Ashe, with movement inspired by Pharah, but make no mistake—she’s defining her own lane.

Revdraw Crossbow (Primary Fire)
A rapid-fire automatic crossbow that shoots bolts dealing up to 144 DPS while firing continuously. Like most projectile weapons, there’s travel time, so hitting consistent shots at range will require good tracking and leading your target. The projectiles are generous in size compared to other sniper-type projectiles, making mid-range encounters a fine spot for this weapon.
Take Aim (Secondary Fire)
Activating Take Aim slows Freja’s momentum and gravity by 80% and 90%, respectively, giving you the signature “slow-mo” Matrix feel in mid-air. Freja fires a sticky, explosive bolt that deals 40 damage on impact and up to 90 more on explosion. It resets every time you use Quick Dash, so chaining Take Aim shots is crucial for high-level Freja play. But hanging mid-air leaves you vulnerable. Enemy hitscan players will see you as a sitting duck, so timing and positioning are everything.
Quick Dash
A vault in the direction you’re moving and refreshes Take Aim, giving you a second shot at landing explosive bolts mid-fight. When there is no horizontal input, Quick Dash propels you straight up, making it flexible for dodging abilities or getting the high ground fast.
Freja’s bread-and-butter for aerial play which launches her upwards to a height of about 8.4 meters. It’s like Pharah’s Jump Jets but with tighter control. It mixes well with Take Aim to perform the slow-mo air shots. Use it to reposition quickly, especially in vertical-heavy maps like Numbani or Midtown.
Bola Shot (Ultimate)
Freja’s ult is the chef’s kiss for setting up kills. It’s a crowd-control ability that launches a bola at a target, wrapping them up and pulling nearby enemies toward them. The bola locks the main target out of mobility skills and slows all caught enemies by 75%. The explosion deals up to 201 total damage to the primary target and 176 damage to secondary targets caught in the pull. It’s best when combined with AoE Ultimates like Junkrat’s RIP-Tire or Zarya’s Graviton Surge-esque combos.
Passive – Bounty Hunting
Every 5 Final Blows, Freja gains a bonus ultimate charge, promoting aggressive and accurate playstyles. This passive rewards players who continuously secure eliminations, turning her into a DPS who snowballs into frequent ults.
Freja’s Perks
Perks are part of Overwatch 2’s expanding progression system, and Freja also arrives with a few spicy ones.
Minor Perks:
- Tracking Bolt: Landing 3 bolts in quick succession reveals enemies for 4 seconds (wall-hacks style).
- Bounty Collection: Standard eliminations give a 2% Ultimate charge while killing blows give 4%.
Major Perks:
- Ready to Hunt: Updraft offers a temporary free use of Quick Dash.
- Job’s Done: After killing 5 unique enemies, Take Aim’s cooldown gets reduced by 20% permanently.
Freja’s Playstyle: High Risk, High Reward
Freja’s kit is designed for players who prefer mechanical skills and tactical thinking. Her projectiles offer precision, and her mobility is helpful for creative positioning and flanking. But she’s not forgiving. One misstep or mistimed Take Aim can leave you wide open to hitscan heroes or enemy flankers.
Elevated positioning is crucial when playing as Freja. Like Widowmaker or Ashe, Freja dominates when she perches above the battlefield. Support hunting is your bread and butter, you should dive backlines, burst down squishes, reset Take Aim with Quick Dash, and repeat. Further, pair Frejo’s Ultimate with heroes like Junkrat, Hanzo (Dragonstrike), or Orisa (Terror Surge) for deadly wombo combos.
I messed around with Freja during the early access trial that ran between March 21 and March 24 to test what she got. My hot take is that she has a huge carry potential but only in the right hands. She rewards map knowledge, smart movement, and sharpshooting. If you need a hero to achieve style points and complexity like Echo or Genji, you should go with this new DPS agent in Overwatch 2. So, wait as she officially joins the roster in Season 16 this April and expect the meta to shift once players start mastering her abilities and learn how to play with Frejo.