Star Wars Outlaws: How to Unlock the Scoundrel’s Pouch

Store as much resources as you can to give yourself an upper hand in the galactic chaos.

Kay Vess might not have a lightsaber or the Force on her side, but in Star Wars Outlaws, she’s pretty much the ultimate space outlaw. Armed to the teeth with gadgets, grenades, and some trusty Bacta Vials (because space battles are rough, right?), Kay’s got what it takes to survive the galaxy’s wildest planets. And do not forget her adorable furball companion, Nix, who’s always got her back.

Staying alive is the name of the game here in this galactic universe, so you’re going to need all the healing items you can get. That’s why getting your hands on the Expert Key Part ‘Scoundrel’s Pouch’ is a no-brainer. This valuable upgrade lets Kay carry more items including Vitals, grenades, and important health sources so she can stay longer in the fight. But like anything in the galaxy, it doesn’t come for free right into your inventory—you will need some rare materials, including the all-important Durafiber Fabric, to craft it.

How to Get the Scoundrel’s Pouch in Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws Scoundrel’s Pouch Item

Upgrading in Star Wars Outlaws means tracking down experts who can hook you up with nice abilities—like the Scoundrel’s Pouch. Thankfully, you don’t have to go on some intense journey to find this upgrade; this item is available to unlock early on in the game you can get it once you meet The Mechanic Expert.

Once you’ve done a few odd jobs (aka the intel chain) for the Mechanic, you will be able to get Scoundrel’s Pouch by collecting these materials:

  • 1 Durafiber Fabric
  • 8 Coarseweave
  • 4 Robuma Leather

Coarseweave is a common loot item—it’s everywhere. Just keep looting like your life depends on it (because it kind of does to get the Pouch), and you’ll gather plenty in no time. Robuma Leather is a little trickier, though. It’s found mostly in areas run by the Pyke Syndicate. If you’re in good standing with them, it will be easier to get into one of their bases and find four of them otherwise, you might want to bring your blaster. But the Durafiber Fabric is the main item to collect which requires a trip to Boulder Forest as you can’t find it anywhere else.


How to Get Durafiber Fabric in Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws Durafiber Fabric Map Location in Boulder Forest

You have to head over to Crimson Dawn settlement on Toshara’s western side. It’s on the southern end of the Jaunta’s Hope, The map points it out, so it’s not too hard to find, but getting there is where things get interesting.

Hop on Kay’s speeder and hit the gas—you’ll need to use that Speed Boost! Follow the road uphill until you come across some red rocks. There’s a ramp up ahead on the waterfall’s edge, and you’ll need to gun it at full speed using Speed Booster to jump across a gap. It might not happen in the first attempt but you will succeed with patience and tries.

Kay climbing the wall in Star Wars Outlaws

Once you stick the landing, hop off the speeder and start climbing. There’s a wall right across from your landing spot, so climb it up, and keep following the path. Jump across the gap to your right. Eventually, you’ll find another high climbable wall and make your way to the top.

Star Wars Outlaws Crimson Dawn camp

Just between you and the Crimson Dawn camp in Boulder Forest, there is a last barrier in the form of a gap so overcome it as well to reach the final destination. You can either sneak around or go in combat mode with the Dawn clan if it’s your flavor not to remain nice anytime in the game. Take out the enemy guards there, then head through the right door at the other end of the clearing. Inside, you’ll find the chest with the Durafiber Fabric alongside a lot of amazing loot there.

Interestingly, if the other two materials are already in your inventory with the required amount, you can unlock the Scoundrel’s Pouch right then and there. Furthermore, you can check our guide about how to destroy the rock walls and find out the all difficulty settings in Star Wars Outlaws to choose one as per your preference.