Minecraft: How to Get Sweeping Edge & What It Does

Here's how to get Sweeping Edge and how it works in Minecraft.

In Minecraft, enchantments can make your weapons and tools largely more powerful, and one such enchantment is Sweeping Edge. If you’ve been overwhelmed by a horde of zombies or skeletons, this enchantment can be of a lot of help. But what exactly does it do, and how can you get Sweeping Edge in Minecraft?

What is Sweeping Edge in Minecraft?

Sweeping Edge is a sword-exclusive enchantment that increases the sweeping attack damage in Minecraft’s Java Edition. It is not available in any other Minecraft edition, so it can be said a downside of being an exclusive feature of Java Edition. When using a sword, sweeping attacks naturally hit multiple enemies within a small area. However, with Sweeping Edge, this attack becomes even stronger, dealing more damage to nearby enemies instead of pushing them back.

When you perform a sweeping attack, the damage dealt to mobs is calculated based on your sword’s total attack damage. The Sweeping Edge enchantment increases this damage depending on its level:

  • Level I – Deals 50% of the sword’s attack damage.
  • Level II – Deals 67% of the sword’s attack damage.
  • Level III – Deals 75% of the sword’s attack damage.

For example, if you have a diamond sword with Sweeping Edge III, your sweeping attacks will deal 75% of the sword’s total damage to all closer enemies in range, so a highly effective weapon skill for crowd control. A sweeping attack doesn’t work if you have less than 84.8% of recharge meter or move faster than a walk. The attack is when a sword moves down and hits an enemy usually sending them back.

How to Get Sweeping Edge in Minecraft

Using Minecraft Enchanted Book to get Sweeping Edge

Getting the Sweeping Edge enchantment isn’t too difficult, but it does require some luck.

Use an Enchanting Table

The most common way to get Sweeping Edge is through the Enchanting Table. Here’s how:

  • Craft an Enchanting Table using 4 Obsidian, 2 Diamonds, and 1 Book.
  • Surround the table with bookshelves (15 is ideal) to increase enchantment levels.
  • Place your sword in the table’s slot and use Lapis Lazuli to enchant it.
  • Keep enchanting until Sweeping Edge appears as an option.

Since enchantments are random, you may always not get Sweeping Edge immediately, so it is better to have plenty of XP and Lapis Lazuli on hand.

Find It in Enchanted Books

If you don’t want to rely on random enchantments, you can search for Sweeping Edge in Enchanted Books. These books can be found in:

  • Dungeon chests
  • Stronghold libraries
  • Bastion remnants
  • Pillager outposts
  • End cities

Once you find an Edge book, apply it to a sword using an Anvil.

Trade with a Librarian Villager

One of the easiest ways to get Sweeping Edge is by trading with Librarian Villagers. They often sell Enchanted Books, including Sweeping Edge, in exchange for Emeralds. If a Librarian doesn’t offer it, you can reset their trades by breaking and replacing their Lectern.


Yes, that’s right. Fishing has a small chance of rewarding you with an Enchanted Book containing Sweeping Edge. However, this method is not reliable because there are many other enchantments you could receive. To increase the chances of receiving good loot every time, equip the Luck of the Sea enchantment on your Fishing Rod. It doesn’t help much but slightly increases the valuable item’s rate. But you know that Enchanted Book is a rare item so it depends a lot on luck.

Use Commands

If you’re playing in Creative Mode or have cheats enabled, you can instantly give yourself a sword with Sweeping Edge III using this command: /enchant @p sweeping_edge 3

How to Use Sweeping Edge in Combat

How to Use Sweeping Edge in Minecraft

To effectively use the Sweeping Edge, you need to time your attacks properly and position yourself where multiple mobs can be hit at once. Since a sweeping attack only triggers when your attack recharge meter is at least 84.8% full, avoid rapid clicking and instead wait a brief moment between swings. Further, make sure to walk or stand still—sprinting cancels the sweeping attack or effect.

When used correctly, it is very helpful in mob farms and tight spaces to smash enemy clusters. It helps you clear groups of zombies, skeletons, and Piglins faster. But it’s not much of help in PvP battles, where individual strikes and critical hits matter more than sweeping attacks.